The islands and bridges of Vesterålen and Andøya

Latitude: 68,33 ° N

3 closeby airports

Many islands connected with bridges

North of Lofoten, with stunning views


Did you know this about Vesterålen and Andøya?

The archipelago, located 200 kilometres in the Arctic Circle, is truly a hiker’s paradise. In the shadow of Lofoten, this area rises above as the hiker’s paradise, thanks to the accessible mountain passes and ridges.

The area covers rich wildlife, Sami history, Hurtigruten museum and flourishing communities.

In the north, you find the island of Bleik, one of Northern Norway’s finest remote beaches:. Keep your eyes on the ocean, and spot a sperm whale or puffin.

Vesterålen and Andøya are two hidden gems for summer tourism. We combine them.

It is easy to travel to Vesterålen. With Arctic Hike, all transport to Evenes is included from Oslo airport.